Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Midterm Study Guide evidence part 2

TSA video Quiz 
The mission of Georgia TSA is to prepare its membership to be successful leaders and responsible citizens in a technological society through co-curricular activities within the technology education program; which include communication, leadership, and competitive skill development in the classroom/laboratory environment. TRUE

TSA Internet Scavenger Hunt
1.     What does TSA stand for?   technology student association

2.     What is the TSA motto    Learning To Live In A Technical World

3.     Describe the difference between the TSA & the GaTSA  logos? The GaTSA logo has a picture of Georgia next to it, and the TSA logo does not.

4.     What High School does the current GaTSA president attend?  Lowndes High School

5.     What is the name of the GaTSA secretary? Archish Chaturvedi

6.     How many state officer positions are there?  Seven

7.     What event occurs during mid- November? The Fall Leadership Conference

8.     Where is this event located? Villas by the Sea and the New Jekyll Island Conference Center

9.     What is the purpose of the Fall Leadership conference? It  is designed to provide Georgia TSA members and advisors the opportunity to increase their leadership, communication, and team building skills by attending hands-on workshops, seminars and general sessions. This conference also provides for chapter members and advisors to gain knowledge and skills in relation to our Competitive events Program by attending hands on workshops, seminars, and sessions during our Technical Sessions.

10.    What is the theme of this year’s Armada Boat race? “Build A Boat and Hope It Floats!”

11.   Where is the GA state conference being held? The Classic Center in Athens, Georgia.

12.   What are the dates of this conference? March 19-21, 2015

13.   List 3 competitive events that sound fun to you. Video game design, Webmaster, and promotional design

14.   Name a scholarship that is offered through GaTSA.  Tommy Pitchford Scholorship

15.   What is the mission of TSA?   The mission of Georgia TSA is to prepare its membership to be successful leaders and responsible citizens in a technological society through co-curricular activities within the technology education program; which include communication, leadership, and competitive skill development in the classroom/laboratory environment.

16.   Where is the National conference being held for this school year? Arlington, TX

17.   How many middle & high school members are there?  Over  200,000

18.   How many teachers & advisors does TSA have? 2,500

19.   How many states have TSA delegations (chapters)? 49

20.   List 1 item & its price from the TSA store. Blue Ipad sleeve $10.00
BONUS~ What does TECA stand for & what is its relation to TSA & Technology Education?
TECA stands for the Technology Education Collegiate Association and is  a group of aspiring technology education students that collectively engage ourselves in professional development through community involvement. It is basically the college version of TSA                                                                                                                         

Chapter 1 correction
What event from the early 1900’s had the most significant impact on the development of technology?
the development of the assembly line 
All the rest are correct

What is a design notebook?
A design notebook is a way for a designer or engineer to keep a history of his or her design project from start to finish. It is a place to record research, observations, ideas, drawings, comments, and questions during the design process. At the end of your project, someone reviewing your design notebook should be able to understand fully how you got to your solution.

What goes in a design notebook?

Everything goes in a design notebook. Your design notebook starts when you begin thinking about possible problems to solve. Write down everything you know about these problems and why you want to solve them. Then write down, draw, sketch, glue, or tape in every step of your process between this first step and your final solution.
Here are examples of what you might find in a design notebook:
Notes on background research
  • Interviews with users or experts
  • Drawings and sketches
  • Photos of competing products
  • Lists of design requirements
  • Questions/issues you face

Getting Started with Your Engineering and Technology Notebook

  1. Label your lab notebook. Put your first and last name, the class period, and name of the class on the front cover of the notebook.  On the back of the front cover write your name, school and address, email address, or phone number.  If you accidentally leave the lab notebook behind or lose it, someone will be able to reach you if the notebook is found.
  2. Use ink. Make your lab notebook entries in pen, not in pencil. Using a smudge-proof pen may reduce the risk of smears. If you make a mistake in your lab notebook, simply cross out the error and write in the necessary correction.
  3. Number the pages from 1-200 on the outside corner of each sheet (front and back). Numbering the pages of your lab notebook helps keep your notebook organized. You can use these numbers to set up an index or table of contents or to cross-reference earlier observations within your lab notebook. If the pages of your lab notebook are not already numbered, you may want to number them before you begin using the lab notebook.
  4. Create a table of contents (pages 1-6 are reserved for the table of contents). To quickly go back and find information in your lab notebook, it helps to create a table of contents. The traditional way (used by professional scientists and engineers) is to create a Table of Contents as you go. Label the first page "Table of Contents," and then as you work on the project, enter important pages in the Table of Contents. For example, when you begin your Experimental Procedure, you might note "Trial 1, Page 10" in the Table of Contents so you can quickly find your notes at a later date.

Below is an example of how the first table of contents page should look: 


Table of Contents

Design Notebook Guidelines                                                                             p7

Project 1 – Vehicle Power Challenge                                                                   p 8

Project 2 - ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________________________________________p 9



  1. Put the following label and information on page 7 of your notebook:




Design Notebook Guidelines

  1. Keep a “Table of Contents” in the front of the notebook
  2. Every page of the notebook must be numbered on the outside corner
  3. All entries should be done in ink (If you have already used a pencil, trace over it).
  4. Record all information and data – even the bad or unfavorable
  5. Don’t crowd the information.
  6. Keep your notebook and table of contents up to date
  7. Errors – cross them out with a single line or make sure that you can still read the information.
  8. Never tear out a page
  9. Rough drawings and calculations should be done directly in the notebook.
  10. Title each page/section and enter the title information in your table of contents. 
  11. Sign and Date each page on the day that you make the entry (this can be done in the middle corner of each page). 
  12. Information on loose paper should be inserted by the following:

    1. Taping paper next to an available page or gluing the paper in.
    2. Using tab or glue that accepts ink
    3. Place your signature across the notebook page, tape, and inserted page.  Then sign across all tape and date each signature.
 Nanotechnology are the study and application of extremely small things and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering.





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